minister: n.1.部长;阁员,大臣;〔pl.〕政府。2.公使;外交使节。3.【宗教】牧师;〔英国〕非国教派牧师。 ★英国国教派牧师叫 vicar, rector, curate.4.〔罕用语〕代理人。5.仆人,侍从,臣下。短语和例子the Prime M- 内阁总理,首相。 the M- for [of] Foreign Affairs 外交部长。 the M- of Defense
It is only after these stations ceased , on the instructions of the minister for transport , to carry out this task in respect of vehicles registered abroad for less than six months that the applicant received requests for certificates of conformity for vehicles of european manufacture imported by private customers 只是在这些国家测试站点停业后,原告依照(比利时)运输部的指令才开始收到对由私人顾客进口的、在国外注册少于6个月的欧洲产汽车进行相符证书的检查申请。